
January 2024

Man running

Load Up On Carbs and Bring Your Friends

I don’t know why or when I started running. It happened somewhere around my 50th birthday in perfect sync with all the other half-century psychological crises that arrive in groups like buses, wolves and episodes of bad luck. My 11-year-old son, Noah, plays football four times a week: Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Saturday and Sunday…

Chicken in a sweet sticky sauce

Sweet Sticky Piquant Chicken

A nice simple chicken recipe to make, and it’s delicious. My mum made this in the 80s with pork and gave it its name. We prefer it with chicken and have dubbed it ‘Sweet Sticky Piquant Chicken’. You might want to a bit less brown sugar in it, as it can be a bit too…

North: Chapter 6

6: Everything the Finders Found (Part Two) Three Months Ago cold coming they had of it, through hard travelling and a blizzard which bit into their cheeks and stung their eyes, the snow made violent by the more violent winds. The two Finders came slowly up the side of the mountain, their tread weary and…

Opulent hotel lobby

North: Chapter 5

5: In The Climate of Struggle (Part One) Now The Night Manager, plush and neatly arranged as Marcus knew the rest of the hotel would be, had been waiting nervously for him. As Marcus crossed the lobby towards him, the man noticed him and took a crisp white handkerchief from his breast pocket. He pressed…

Close-up of man's eye

North: Chapter 4

4: Marcus Now In the time it takes him to slowly blink three times, Marcus has catalogued almost one hundred objects in the room which, should he need to, his dark and agile hands can later turn to weaponry. The first blink and his mind measures the lobby’s dimensions, retrieves the opulent topography of its…